How to cancel nordvpn subscription?

A NordVPN subscription is very useful for those who are looking for a private identity in the world of everything public and nothing is hidden. The great customer support of NordVPN gives their users a chance to cancel their nordVPN subscription and you can easily claim nordVPN refund.

Cancel NordVPN subscription

With the help of the steps mentioned, you can see how you can cancel your NordVPN subscription. To cancel a NordVPN subscription is not a difficult task, you just have to follow the below steps line by line.

First, we will see how to stop recurring payments.

  1. Go to the official link of NordVPN on the browser of your device
  2. Enter the credentials of your account like email id and the password of the registered account through which you can easily log in
  3. Look for the option "Billing" that you will get at the bottom of the left panel, and click on that option from the "Services".
  4. Under Billing you will be able to see the option "Subscriptions", click on this option
  5. You will be able to notice 3 vertical dots under this, click on it and one small option will come after you click the dots.
  6. Then select the option "Cancel auto renewal"

So by performing these steps, you have successfully stopped the recurring payments to NordVPN. You will receive a confirmation mail regarding this.


Now let's see how to Cancel your NordVPN subscription

  1. In the google play store, you first sign in with the NordVPN account
  2. From the left panel select the same option "Subscription"
  3. Choose "NordVPN" in My subscription option lists.
  4. By clicking on "Manage" you will see the option "Cancel subscription"
  5. To confirm the step click on "Yes"

You will get the confirmation of the subscription you cancelled through the registered email. So it is simple.